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Winter and Holiday Décor Ideas and Home Remodeling in Denver

Even though the holidays and winter is coming up, it’s still a great time to make renovations to your home. Late fall is the perfect time to prepare your home to be in tip-top shape for family gatherings or cold nights curled up on the couch. As you consider home remodeling in Denver for your home, try one of these ideas to update your space.
Kitchens: Â If you have holiday china, mid-November is the perfect time to bring it out. In addition, it will pair well with red and white towels and dishcloths available for use. In addition, if you have a window in your kitchen, consider adding red, white or matching color mini-drapes to add a pop of character. If you have a kitchen and dining room in one, you can continue a red and white trend, or, choose a darker color napkin, tablecloth and/or table runner for your table and find small accent items for your table. Are your cabinets and counters in bad shape? Consider replacing them. You can work with a local remodeling company to redesign your space to allow for more space.
Living Rooms: Fill your living room with candles of your favorite fall scents! From cinnamon to apple, all your fall favorites are hitting the shelves. If you have small children or do not like having an open flame, try battery-operated LED candles. They are available in a variety of colors. You can pair them with holiday colors or ones that match your décor. Even better, many of these candles have timer settings that turn them off on their own and can turn them on. Have a small living room, or one that is closed in? Consider knocking down walls and opening the space. This can add value and space to your home and make it an inviting space.
Bathrooms: No matter how big or small your bathrooms are, you can always find small decorations at your local home goods store. You can also replace your towels with fall colors, from red and white to orange and brown. The LED candles are also a great add for a relaxing environment in the space. Have a small space? Did you know you can make it appear larger by painting it a lighter color? If you have a dark and small bathroom, consider white or a lighter shade of your favorite color. You can also add value with granite countertops and increasing cabinet space. As you work through ideas for your bathroom, check out these three important considerations for your bathroom remodel.
Looking for more ideas? Check out Better Homes’ “Cozy Ideas for Winter Decorating.†There are great ideas from holiday themes to winter colors that can work with your home. For help with your home remodeling project, contact the experts at SF Inc. Construction. From bathrooms and kitchens to living rooms and more, our team can help you create the space you have always wanted. Review our residential portfolio for ideas and reach out! Contact us today at 303-210-5991.